@silvana-one/tokenInterfacesFungibleTokenDeployPropsOn this pageFungibleTokenDeployProps HierarchyExclude<DeployArgs, undefined>FungibleTokenDeployPropsIndex PropertiesallowUpdatessrcsymbolProperties allowUpdatesallowUpdates: booleanSetting this to true will allow changing the verification key later with a signature from the deployer. This will allow updating the token contract at a later stage, for instance to react to an update of the o1js library. Setting it to false will make changes to the contract impossible, unless there is a backward incompatible change to the protocol. (see https://docs.minaprotocol.com/zkapps/writing-a-zkapp/feature-overview/permissions#example-impossible-to-upgrade and https://minafoundation.github.io/mina-fungible-token/deploy.html)srcsrc: stringA source code reference, which is placed within the zkappUri of the contract account. Typically a link to a file on github.symbolsymbol: stringThe token symbol.
Setting this to
will allow changing the verification key later with a signature from the deployer. This will allow updating the token contract at a later stage, for instance to react to an update of the o1js library. Setting it tofalse
will make changes to the contract impossible, unless there is a backward incompatible change to the protocol. (see https://docs.minaprotocol.com/zkapps/writing-a-zkapp/feature-overview/permissions#example-impossible-to-upgrade and https://minafoundation.github.io/mina-fungible-token/deploy.html)