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Type Aliases


Type Aliases


DefineApprovalFactory: (params: { collectionContract: () => NFTCollectionContractConstructor }) => NFTApprovalContractConstructor

Type declaration


DefineCollectionFactory: (params: { adminContract: () => NFTAdminContractConstructor; approvalContract: () => NFTApprovalContractConstructor; ownerContract: () => NFTOwnerContractConstructor; updateContract: () => NFTUpdateContractConstructor }) => NFTCollectionContractConstructor

Type declaration


DefineNFTSharesFactory: (params: { auctionContract: () => ReturnType<typeof AuctionFactory> }) => ReturnType<typeof NFTSharesFactory>

Type declaration


DefineOwnerFactory: (params: { collectionContract: () => NFTCollectionContractConstructor }) => NFTOwnerContractConstructor

Type declaration


DefineUpdateFactory: (params: { collectionContract: () => NFTCollectionContractConstructor }) => NFTUpdateContractConstructor

Type declaration


MetadataFieldType: string | text | image | url | field | number | address | map | tree

The possible types for metadata fields.


NFTAdminBase: SmartContract & { canChangeBaseUri: any; canChangeCreator: any; canChangeName: any; canChangeRoyalty: any; canChangeTransferFee: any; canChangeVerificationKey: any; canMint: any; canPause: any; canResume: any; canSetAdmin: any; canTransfer: any; canUpdate: any }

The NFTAdminBase interface defines the administrative functionalities required for managing an NFT collection on the Mina Protocol. It extends the SmartContract class and specifies methods that enforce permissions and validations for various NFT operations.


NFTAdminContractConstructor: new (address: PublicKey) => NFTAdminBase

Defines a constructor for contracts implementing NFTAdminBase, accepting an address public key and returning an instance of NFTAdminBase.


An instance of NFTAdminBase.

Type declaration


NFTApprovalBase: SmartContract & { canTransfer: any }

The NFTApprovalBase interface defines the administrative functionalities required for managing an NFT transfer approval on the Mina Protocol.


NFTApprovalContractConstructor: new (address: PublicKey) => NFTApprovalBase

Defines a constructor for contracts implementing NFTApprovalBase, accepting an address public key and returning an instance of NFTApprovalBase.


An instance of NFTApprovalBase.

Type declaration


NFTCollectionBase: TokenContract & { approvedTransferByProof: any; approvedTransferBySignature: any; getNFTState: any; transferByProof: any; transferBySignature: any }

The NFTCollectionBase interface defines the functionalities required for managing an NFT collection on the Mina Protocol. It extends the SmartContract class and specifies methods that enforce permissions and validations for various NFT operations.


NFTCollectionContractConstructor: new (address: PublicKey) => NFTCollectionBase

Defines a constructor for contracts implementing NFTCollectionBase, accepting an address public key and returning an instance of NFTCollectionBase.


An instance of NFTCollectionBase.

Type declaration


NFTOwnerBase: SmartContract & { canApproveAddress: any; canChangeVerificationKey: any; canPause: any; canResume: any; canTransfer: any }

The NFTOwnerBase interface defines the administrative functionalities required for managing an NFT collection on the Mina Protocol. It extends the SmartContract class and specifies methods that enforce permissions and validations for various NFT operations.


NFTOwnerContractConstructor: new (address: PublicKey) => NFTOwnerBase

Defines a constructor for contracts implementing NFTOwnerBase, accepting an address public key and returning an instance of NFTOwnerBase.


An instance of NFTOwnerBase.

Type declaration

    • Parameters

      • address: PublicKey

        The public key of the contract's owner.

      Returns NFTOwnerBase


NFTUpdateBase: SmartContract & { canUpdate: any }

The NFTUpdateBase interface defines the update functionalities required for managing an NFT update


NFTUpdateContractConstructor: new (address: PublicKey) => NFTUpdateBase

Defines a constructor for contracts implementing NFTUpdateBase, accepting an address public key and returning an instance of NFTUpdateBase.


An instance of NFTUpdateBase.

Type declaration


NonFungibleTokenContracts: { Admin: NFTAdminContractConstructor; Approval: NFTApprovalContractConstructor; Collection: ReturnType<typeof CollectionFactory>; Owner: NFTOwnerContractConstructor; Update: NFTUpdateContractConstructor }


PausableContract: SmartContract & { pause: any; resume: any }

The PausableContract interface provides a mechanism to dynamically enable or disable certain functionalities within smart contracts. It extends the SmartContract class and introduces methods that allow a contract to be paused and resumed, which is crucial for managing emergencies, upgrades, or maintenance periods.

By implementing the PausableContract interface, contracts gain greater control over their operational states, enhancing security and flexibility in response to various scenarios.


SupportedNetworkId: devnet | mainnet

Type representing the supported network IDs for the Mina Protocol.

Currently supports:

  • "devnet": The Mina local blockchain and devnet
  • "mainnet": The Mina mainnet






AdvancedCollection: typeof Collection


AdvancedOffer: typeof NonFungibleTokenOfferContract = ...




Collection: typeof Collection


CollectionErrors: { adminContractAddressNotSet: string; cannotMint: string; cannotMintMasterNFT: string; cannotUpgradeVerificationKey: string; collectionNotPaused: string; collectionPaused: string; invalidOracleAddress: string; invalidRoyaltyFee: string; noPermissionToChangeBaseUri: string; noPermissionToChangeCreator: string; noPermissionToChangeName: string; noPermissionToChangeRoyalty: string; noPermissionToChangeTransferFee: string; noPermissionToPause: string; noPermissionToResume: string; noPermissionToSetAdmin: string; onlyOwnerCanUpgradeVerificationKey: string; transferApprovalRequired: string; transferNotAllowed: string; upgradeContractAddressNotSet: string; wrongMasterNFTaddress: string } = ...

Type declaration

  • adminContractAddressNotSet: string
  • cannotMint: string
  • cannotMintMasterNFT: string
  • cannotUpgradeVerificationKey: string
  • collectionNotPaused: string
  • collectionPaused: string
  • invalidOracleAddress: string
  • invalidRoyaltyFee: string
  • noPermissionToChangeBaseUri: string
  • noPermissionToChangeCreator: string
  • noPermissionToChangeName: string
  • noPermissionToChangeRoyalty: string
  • noPermissionToChangeTransferFee: string
  • noPermissionToPause: string
  • noPermissionToResume: string
  • noPermissionToSetAdmin: string
  • onlyOwnerCanUpgradeVerificationKey: string
  • transferApprovalRequired: string
  • transferNotAllowed: string
  • upgradeContractAddressNotSet: string
  • wrongMasterNFTaddress: string


MAX_ROYALTY_FEE: 100000 = 100000


MetadataFieldTypeValues: { address: { code: [object Object]; inputType: any; storedType: typeof MinaAddress }; field: { code: [object Object]; inputType: any; storedType: any }; image: { code: [object Object]; inputType: string; storedType: typeof Text }; map: { code: [object Object]; inputType: typeof Metadata; storedType: typeof Metadata }; number: { code: [object Object]; inputType: any; storedType: any }; string: { code: [object Object]; inputType: string; storedType: any }; text: { code: [object Object]; inputType: string; storedType: typeof Text }; tree: { code: [object Object]; inputType: typeof MetadataTree; storedType: typeof MetadataTree }; url: { code: [object Object]; inputType: string; storedType: typeof Text } } = ...

Mapping of metadata field types to their code values and associated types.

Type declaration

  • readonlyaddress: { code: [object Object]; inputType: any; storedType: typeof MinaAddress }
    • readonlycode: [object Object]
    • readonlyinputType: any
    • readonlystoredType: typeof MinaAddress
  • readonlyfield: { code: [object Object]; inputType: any; storedType: any }
    • readonlycode: [object Object]
    • readonlyinputType: any
    • readonlystoredType: any
  • readonlyimage: { code: [object Object]; inputType: string; storedType: typeof Text }
    • readonlycode: [object Object]
    • readonlyinputType: string
    • readonlystoredType: typeof Text
  • readonlymap: { code: [object Object]; inputType: typeof Metadata; storedType: typeof Metadata }
    • readonlycode: [object Object]
    • readonlyinputType: typeof Metadata
    • readonlystoredType: typeof Metadata
  • readonlynumber: { code: [object Object]; inputType: any; storedType: any }
    • readonlycode: [object Object]
    • readonlyinputType: any
    • readonlystoredType: any
  • readonlystring: { code: [object Object]; inputType: string; storedType: any }
    • readonlycode: [object Object]
    • readonlyinputType: string
    • readonlystoredType: any
  • readonlytext: { code: [object Object]; inputType: string; storedType: typeof Text }
    • readonlycode: [object Object]
    • readonlyinputType: string
    • readonlystoredType: typeof Text
  • readonlytree: { code: [object Object]; inputType: typeof MetadataTree; storedType: typeof MetadataTree }
  • readonlyurl: { code: [object Object]; inputType: string; storedType: typeof Text }
    • readonlycode: [object Object]
    • readonlyinputType: string
    • readonlystoredType: typeof Text


NFTAdvancedAdmin: typeof NFTAdvancedAdmin = ...


NFTGameProgram: any = ...

Defines the NFTProgram ZkProgram with methods for updating NFT metadata.


NFTProgram: any = ...

Defines the NFTProgram ZkProgram with methods for updating NFT metadata.


Offer: typeof NonFungibleTokenOfferContract = ...




The default height of the Merkle tree used to represent the text data.



nftVerificationKeys: { [ key in mainnet | devnet ]: { o1js: string; vk: {} } } = ...

An object containing the verification keys for the NFT Collection and NFT contracts on different networks.


The NFTVerificationKeys object maps a SupportedNetworkId to the corresponding verification keys for the NFT Collection and NFT contracts.


  • network: The network identifier ("devnet" or "mainnet").
    • collection:
      • hash: The hash of the verification key for the NFT Collection contract.
      • data: The verification key data for the NFT Collection contract.
    • nft:
      • hash: The hash of the verification key for the NFT contract.
      • data: The verification key data for the NFT contract.

Accessing the verification key hash for the NFT Collection on testnet:

const testnetCollectionVKHash = NFTVerificationKeys["devnet"].collection.hash;