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  • Compiling the contract in the cloud.

  • Calculating transactions proofs tx.prove().

  • Calculating recursive proofs.

  • Sending transactions to network.

  • Verifying proofs.

  • Providing deployers to pay the tx fee.

  • API to be accessed inside the zkCloudWorker.

  • API to be accessed inside the web application.

  • Billing panel to show the cost of the running zkCloudWorkers to the developer.

  • Web dashboard to easily deploy and access deployed zkCloudWorkers and their logs.

  • Providing key-value off-chain storage for zkApps, up to 400K size for values.

  • Providing file storage for zkApps, unlimited size.

  • Encryption utilities for sending and storing the data in the encrypted form.

  • Verifying the text of the contracts for uploading to the explorer.

  • Providing additional metadata for the transactions, including custom metadata defined by the developer and the conversion of the actions and events to the human-readable form as defined by the developer for publishing on the explorer.

  • Code templates and question-answer sets for the zkApp Umstad AI Chatbot.

  • The CLI tool to deploy the code to the cloud and verify the code on the

  • Availability of the zkCloudWorker for SmartContract, ZkProgram and general calculations, including running ProtoKit chains in case ProtoKit will support running on the serverless infrastructure, that is possible in principle.

  • Custom integration of the zkApps for the cases that do not fit in the standard framework for some reason.