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  • sendTx(params: { chain?: blockchain; delay?: number; description?: string; retry?: number; tx: any; verbose?: boolean; wait?: boolean }): Promise<Mina.IncludedTransaction | Mina.PendingTransaction | Mina.RejectedTransaction | undefined>

  • The function sendTx sends a transaction, checks account updates, and waits for confirmation on the blockchain.


    • params: { chain?: blockchain; delay?: number; description?: string; retry?: number; tx: any; verbose?: boolean; wait?: boolean }

      The parameters object

      • optionalchain: blockchain

        The blockchain to send the transaction on

      • optionaldelay: number
      • optionaldescription: string

        A description of the transaction

      • optionalretry: number
      • tx: any

        The transaction to send

      • optionalverbose: boolean

        Whether to log verbose information

      • optionalwait: boolean

        Whether to wait for the transaction to be included in a block

    Returns Promise<Mina.IncludedTransaction | Mina.PendingTransaction | Mina.RejectedTransaction | undefined>

    The sendTx function returns a Mina.IncludedTransaction, Mina.PendingTransaction, Mina.RejectedTransaction, or undefined if there was an error during the process.