Must be "nft:mint"
Possible values: [nft:mint
The address of the NFT collection.
Optional. The address of the NFT.
The address (public key) of the sender.
The private key of the sender. It is NOT recommended to use this field. Please use the sender
field instead. Use this field at your own risk and only if you know what you are doing and do not have access to mina-signer or wallet to get the signature.
Optional. The nonce for the transaction.
Optional. A memo for the transaction.
Optional. The developer fee for the transaction.
nftMintParams objectrequired
The name of the NFT
The address of the NFT contract
The private key of the NFT contract
The token ID of the NFT
data objectrequired
The data associated with the NFT, including owner, approved, version, id, permissions and flags
The public key of the owner of the NFT
The public key of the approved address of the NFT
The version number of the NFT state
The unique identifier of the NFT within the collection. A bigint encoded as a string.
Determines whether the NFT's ownership can be changed via a zero-knowledge proof (readonly)
Specifies if the NFT's ownership can be transferred (readonly)
Specifies if the NFT's approved address can be changed (readonly)
Indicates whether the NFT's metadata can be updated (readonly)
Determines whether the storage associated with the NFT can be altered (readonly)
Specifies if the name of the NFT can be changed (readonly)
Indicates whether the verification key hash for the metadata can be changed (readonly)
Specifies if the NFT contract can be paused, preventing certain operations (readonly)
Indicates whether the NFT contract is currently paused
Determines whether the owner's authorization is required to upgrade the NFT's verification key (readonly)
The fee associated with minting the NFT
metadata objectrequired
The metadata associated with the NFT, Field as a string or NftMetadata object
- MOD1
- NftMetadata
The name of the NFT
The image URL or IPFS hash associated with the NFT
Optional description of the NFT
Optional banner image URL or IPFS hash. Required for Collection Master NFT.
traits object[]
The trait key/name
The type of the trait value
Possible values: [string
, text
, image
, url
, field
, number
, address
, map
, tree
value objectrequired
The trait value, can be a string or complex object depending on type
- MOD1
- MOD2
Optional flag indicating if this trait is private
The off-chain storage information (e.g., IPFS hash)
The hash of the verification key used for metadata proofs, Field as a string
The expiry time slot for minting the NFT
"txType": "nft:mint",
"collectionAddress": "string",
"nftAddress": "string",
"sender": "string",
"senderPrivateKey": "string",
"nonce": 0,
"memo": "string",
"developerFee": 0,
"nftMintParams": {
"name": "string",
"address": "string",
"addressPrivateKey": "string",
"tokenId": 0,
"data": {
"owner": "string",
"approved": "string",
"version": 0,
"id": "string",
"canChangeOwnerByProof": true,
"canTransfer": true,
"canApprove": true,
"canChangeMetadata": true,
"canChangeStorage": true,
"canChangeName": true,
"canChangeMetadataVerificationKeyHash": true,
"canPause": true,
"isPaused": true,
"requireOwnerAuthorizationToUpgrade": true
"fee": 0,
"metadata": "string",
"storage": "string",
"metadataVerificationKeyHash": "string",
"expiry": 0